Our Software Products Coaching Sessions
User guides are available for all products. Users can contact us anytime for help and answering questions.
Additionally, you may purchase comprehensive coaching sessions in 1 hour blocks. The cost is $49.00 per person.
Additionally, EXHIBITVIEW Solutions, LLC periodically offers free online “best practices” coaching sessions. Make an impact in the courtroom.
Call 404-247-3596 with the day, date and if possible, several time options and we will confirm right away.

Bill Roach, Co-founder
We proudly offer “Trial Presentation Best Practices”. This one hour seminar has been used for CLE credit in many states and you may submit our outline for credit in your state. Our technicians are experts at technology best practices and using any presentation software. You pick the day, date and time and you can have every employee at your law firm take part. The cost is $250.00 and we will record your session for you too. What will you and your legal team learn:
1. File Formats and acronyms
- SD (Standard Def) vs HD (high Def)
- VGA and HDMI
- more, more, more….
2. File Sizes (how large is the overall file size)
- KB vs. MB vs GB, huh?
- How large a file can be sent through email?
- Can I send video through email?
3. File Sizes (How large is the file?)
- pixel sizes
4. Aspect ratio
- 4:3
- 16:9
5. Cloud storage options benefits
6. Windows Display
- Screen sizes, do they matter?
- extended desktop mode
- mirror mode
- computer only mode
7. The importance of file names
8. Annotations during trial, annotations made pre-trial
9. Exhibit stickers
10. So much more…. This seminar takes a “technology for dummies” approach. It is fun and informational.
11. We burn this information into our attendees for excellent recall.
12. Costs $250.00 for a firm (up to 4 people) or $75.00 per person.
13. Too much to list. You and your team will be able to lift the veil on technology basics forever.
ONSITE PRODUCT or TECHNOLOGY COACHING SESSIONS? Yes, we will come to you. For a coaching session fee of $900.00/day, and expenses, we will come to your office and work with your staff coaching sessions on any of our products. We can set up sessions in multi-hour blocks or on the top of each hour for convenience. Schedule a call today and let’s talk about getting your associates ready for Trial!