See what our clients have to say about our products!

Exceptional timely and personal service. I have a wish list, but for the money and ease of use, this is the best Windows case presentation and deposition management program.

James E. Harris

Omaha-based Trial Lawyer

ExhibitView was very helpful in our arbitration. The technology was straightforward, and we experienced zero hiccups over the course of a weeklong arbitration that included extensive Zoom participation by witnesses and clients not present in person.

James E. Kruzer

Boston-based Lawyer

I wanted to reach out to you and thank you for all your help with getting familiar with the software! It was so helpful, trial went extremely well, and we won on all 4 counts!

Felicia M. Bauer

Legal Assistant, Lawson Laski Clark, PLLC

Appreciate the Assist today!

I thought ExhibitView worked great!

Will Downs

Attorney, DOWNSLAW

“I used Sanction for six years in several high profiles trials. But, after just three short months of using ExhibitView, I’ll never go back to Sanction. ExhibitView is easier to use, more flexible in court, and jurors love it. In my last trial, the jurors told me that the visual evidence presented via ExhibitView was so easy to understand that they only needed ten minutes to deliberate on a complex white-collar crime case with dozens of exhibits.”

Christopher T. Van Marter

Senior Deputy Prosecuting Attorney , Chief – White Collar Crime Unit Department of the Prosecuting Attorney

“For the record… I tried the trial version of both Exhibit View and Trial Director. I tried the Exhibit View First and then decided to try Trial Director before purchasing. I was so frustrated with Trial Director that I deleted it within the first day and ordered Exhibit View. Good Job on making a user-friendly product.

Kim Briggs

Stubbs Law, P.C.

“Bill: I wanted to send you a note and let you know how helpful TranscriptPro and ExhibitView and iTrial for iPad were to me in my trial practice.

I represent insurance companies in insurance fraud cases. I used all your products in my most recent trial. The presentation of my case to the judge was clear and smooth. it was easy to compare before and after pictures of the cars in the incident to establish that there was no impact.

I intend to use your products for all of my future cases.”

Patrick D. DeRouen, Esq.

DeRouen Law Firm

“Bill – just caught my breath from last week. ExhibitView was awesome!! I ran circles around the highly trained (and costly) paralegal from the big law firm who was using Sanction. I did stuff on the fly that really made an impact on the case. Your product really is amazing. I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your patience and help in the week leading up to the trial. THANKS! JP”

J.P. Sawyer


“We’re using Exhibit View A LOT. Rick thinks it improved the settlement value of the case we recently mediated by 35-50%.

Christine M. Potter

Legal Assistant to H.L. Cromatrie, III, H.L. Cromartie III, P.C.

“You are changing the way I try cases.  Used Exhibit View in focus group yesterday…  put presentation together in 30 minutes!

Michael L. Burman

Attorney at Law Licensed in TN & KY – State and Federal Courts

I got to use Exhibitview for the first time in a 20-year-old murder case for trial last week. While extremely nervous that I had no experience with it in the courtroom, it ran smoothly. The prosecutor was very impressed. Thanks for making me look good! Before the end of the week my confidence in my ability to run the program increased.  The victim’s family and even jurors made positive comments regarding our presentation once the trial concluded. We will be using this more often.

Thank you for helping me on such short notice. Working out the bugs helped calm my nerves a little. The prosecutor was impressed by that as well.

By the way, the defendant was found guilty of murder in the first degree.”

Kenda Flynn

Office of Pike County Prosecutor

“ExhibitView for sure had an effect on settlement. The case involved numerous documents and 12 depositions which were all loaded into EV and the markup options of highlighting, call out and zoom features allowed us to direct the attention to the exact area of the document, deposition or photo we wanted to focus upon.

When my opponent lawyer sent me, pdf set of his documents, I was able to create a project separately for him and then have access to his documents without him knowing what I was concentrating on as well.

Blending that into Dropbox so that my partner and I could communicate between each other with documents and trial strategy notes made the two software applications so efficient and time saving. We then took a small printer with us and had the ability to generate printed documents on the run.

I will find out about a calendar date with our bar association for inclusion in a trial practice seminar for an hour slot to show off EV and technology for trial presentations.”

Rob Kramer

Bazos, Freeman, Kramer, Schuster, Vanek & Kolb

“…we used Exhibit View at Trial, played that video deposition with our edits or omissions if you will. Everything worked out GREAT. Got another one coming up December 17th. We’ll use it again.”

Sherri Selby

Paralegal, Hoffspiegel & Associates

“There were some posts recently re Trial Director. For the last 5 or 6 years I have used Trial Director.
It is a great, feature-rich program. It has two major issues.

First, it is not easy to learn. The learning curve is so steep that it takes me hours to re-learn the program each time I get ready for trial or arbitration. As proof of this, you only need to know that Indata charges thousands to train you. It’s that complex. But when teed up, it has all the bells and whistles you could ever want. Many of my friends have simply given up and use professionals to “man” the Trial Director laptop/computer in trial.

Now a solution:

I have recently purchased ExhibitView. It is kind of “Trial Director Lite”. It was invented because of the learning curve problem I mentioned above. Very, very easy to learn and use. Free phone support available at all hours. Tutorials are fun and dialed right into the program. It is less expensive than TD.

Tell Bill Roach, Exhibit View’s owner and designer (himself an ex-Trial Director trainer)
that I recommended the program and he will take good care of you. ”

Brad Hallen, Esq.

“I purchased ExhibitView in March and used it in trial in federal court right after I bought it. Lots of exhibits (I think we had 72), most of which were displayed at some point during trial. ExhibitView was terrific. Very easy to use.

Chip Cooper

Cooper & Elliott

“I just recently purchased Exhibitview and used it during a trial I had last week in an employment case in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, things didn’t go my way but I had no problems using your software to present my case.  In fact, I called up all of my own exhibits and would often annotate documents on the fly.  It was also great for calling up deposition testimony to impeach witnesses. ”

Gregory T. Kunkel, Esq.

Kunkel & Fink, LLP

“Wanted to let you know my trial turned out very well. My client was one of two defendants on trial in an arson/murder case. After two weeks of trial my client was acquitted while his co-defendant was convicted.
ExhibitView played a large role in our success.

During trial (16 months after the event) an 11-year-old boy (son of the co-defendant) gave some testimony that was very damaging to my client. Fortunately, the Sheriff’s Office had interviewed him on videotape 4 days after the event.

The bookmarking and slide making features of ExhibitView allowed me to play during final arguments 9 excerpts from the video interview that directly contradicted the boy’s trial testimony. One of the excerpts I played over and over and over again. Very effective!!!!

The only problem I ran into is that in order to use ExhibitView I had to unplug the computer in the courtroom and then plug in my laptop because the Court’s computer did not have your program. I have talked to…our court administrator and told her I would ask you to send her information on pricing and technical requirements in order to see if ExhibitView could be preloaded onto the computers in our courtrooms.

Great product. Planning on using it in a Murder/Vehicular Homicide next month.”

Rafe Banks III

Banks & Stubbs, LLP

Just wanted to let you know that I have purchased ExhibitView and plan to use it for all my courtroom presentations.
It’s definitely the best.

Mike Elder, Esq.

Purvis & Elder

“We used your product in a weeklong trial at the end of the summer. ExhibitView worked perfectly. I practice in a small, three-attorney firm and we were going up against a large, multi-hundred attorney firm. Opposing counsel had no presentation capabilities. They asked me about your product and I reluctantly told them what it was, not wanting to give away my secret. They told me that their firm had Trial Director, but nobody knew how to use it. Anyways thanks for a great product and keep up the good work!”

Joshua C. Powell

Parsons & Nichols

“Dear Mr. Roach, Last Spring my co-counsel and I were preparing for an 11-count theft, fraud and forgery case and faced with the prospect of falling flat at trial without an efficient method of handling over 40,000 documents produced in discovery. Needless to say, losing a jury’s interest was a primary concern. Getting them to understand the case seemed an impossible hurdle. We needed help and began calling attorneys for evidence presentation and organization ideas. We were told about ExhibitView by an attorney who had used it but one time. He was effusive in his praise of the system, particularly its ease of use.

After we contacted you and purchased the program, we sat through the tutorial, which was amazing with you having remote access to our screen. You advised that we better practice prior to trial.

Once in the trial, scheduled for ten days, I had the first cross-examination. It was a full day with one witness and as you might expect, document intensive. My co-counsel ran the computer, pulling up document after document, displaying them side-by-side for contrast/comparison, highlighting and blowing up for the jury the important parts of documents ranging from receipts to search warrants. It was a display like none I’ve seen, much less handled. I have tried over 50 cases to juries, and my co-counsel has tried nearly as many. Our opponents, the attorney general’s office and the state’s attorney’s office used a different, more cumbersome program to display their evidence.

The second day of witnesses my co-counsel cross-examined the State’s only witness for that day. I handled ExhibitView. I had failed your instruction to practice. The ease of use, nevertheless, made up for my lack of preparation and we were as smooth as the day before. The State had promised the jury 21 witnesses to include a forensic auditor expert. After my co-counsel was done cross-examining the State’s second witness, the assistant attorney general stood up and announced that the State was resting. The next 10 hours were spent arguing amongst ourselves as to whether we should present our case-in-chief. We now had seen how effective it was going to be with ExhibitView having seen how effective our cross-examinations were. We rested the next morning and argued the case extensively using ExhibitView.

Our client was acquitted of all counts. In the months that followed, the State dismissed the charges against three of his co-defendants without attempting to try their cases to a jury. The State dismissed all charges against the last three co-defendants literally in the middle of their jury trial. But for our ability to educate the judge and jury via ExhibitView, we would never have been so successful.

In short — ExhibitView made possible the impossible. Two solo practice attorneys and a paralegal were able to effectively defeat a paper case of huge proportions and keep the judge and jury from being overwhelmed by mountains of paper alleged to be evidence of guilt. THANK YOU for your product and your incredible, service to your customers. ExhibitView levels the playing field for small law offices!”

Paul R. Winter, Esq.

“Bill, I purchased ExhibitView and your iTrial iPad App on 01/31. A long-time user of TrialDirector and Sanction, it was time for a change . . . and a change I got. The 30-minute-usability of the program held true. Simplicity and elegance would sum it up.

This past Monday I presented to a group of third-year advance evidence class students at the University of New Mexico School of Law. I have done this for 4 of the past 5 years, the topic being the presentation of one’s case through courtroom technology (e.g., PowerPoint and previously TrialDirector and Sanction). This year it was PowerPoint and ExhibitView.

With pleasure I am relating that ExhibitView went over very well and impressed all. My presentation incorporated .pdf, .mp3, .mp4 and .jpg documents/exhibits and the ease with which the case presented to the students. I mentioned the College Program but had to tell them UNM was not amongst the beneficiaries.

I certainly have no problems endorsing ExhibitView and submit that UNM would be an excellent school in which to offer ExhibitView.

I will be more than happy to provide whatever information you have on scholastic enrollment with the Associate Dean I work with.

An excellent program . . . and did I mention elegant?

Richard S Demarest JD

AdvocatesResources LLC

“As a solo practice attorney and a member of the Federal Criminal Justice Act (local area defense attorneys who represent individuals who are charged in Federal Court), you were kind enough to provide me a copy of ExhibitView 3.0 at a discounted price. Since that time you provided me with a free upgrade of ExhibitView 4.1. I purchased ExhibitView for a specific case in mind, that of receiving stolen property, a trailer that had gone missing for several years. In addition to your program I also purchased a Fujitsu touch screen laptop so that I could have the option of using my fingers, the screen pen, or mouse pad for input.

My secretary set up about loading ExhibitView 4.1 with the necessary evidentiary photos, documents, and recordings. Then, she taught me how to use your program. All I can say is “Fantastic!!“So easy even an attorney can do it. Thank you for creating a program that does what you say, without having to be an IT expert. I was able to put on my defense, as a one-man show, switching from documents to photographs, and even split screen, all real-time while having the jury watch my every move. As I presented photographs and documents, I was able to enlarge, circle and highlight all the important points without fumbling or disrupting the all-important flow of the case. Thank you, thank you, for creating an easy program with the small practice attorney in mind. I’m very impressed…”

Mr. Paul A. Lewis

Lewis at Law

“Several years ago, we bought Exhibitview for use in a specific case (rape). Long story made very short is that today client was found not guilty on all chargesOnly had to use the ExhibitView program once in trial but the real value was in the State knowing what we had and that we had book marked every aspect of multiple video and audio recordings (20+/-). Therefore, the State brought out things or witnesses admitted things that we would normally have had to do on cross/impeachment, etc.”

“Like a loaded gun we did not have to fire.”

Mr. Rafe Banks III

Banks & Stubbs, LLP

“After a four-day trial, jurors told me that my firm’s ExhibitView presentations were — in their mind — virtually identical to a large defense firm’s A/V presentation that cost them more than $20,000. ExhibitView makes presentations easy and professional, and it is priced right.”

Joshua A. Millican

Attorney, Law Office of Joshua A. Millican, P.C.

“ExhibitView is a great tool for trial.  I am able to avoid the huge costs of blow-ups and boards, and I can highlight key documents with expert witnesses in a way I would never could with a standard blow-up.  The easy and quick manipulation of documents is much better than a standard PowerPoint presentation that is static and cannot be easily adjusted while the witness is on the stand.”

Spencer T. Kuvin

Attorney, Leopold~Kuvin, P.A.

“ExhibitView allows me to handle all of our trial and mediation presentations and better manage our clients’ costs.  Thanks for making my job easier!”

Susan J. Delmonico

Paralegal, Perotta Law Firm

“ExhibitView is the most robust and easy to use presentation software I’ve ever used.  The ability to present any exhibit in any order you want simplifies document-intensive presentations. ”

Mark D. Link

Attorney, Link & Smith, P.C.

“ExhibitView puts the power of persuasion in your hands and its ease of use is incredible.  Any trial attorney who doesn’t have ExhibitView
is at an extreme disadvantage to those who do. ”

Jack E. (Bobby) Truitt

Attorney, The Truitt Law Firm

“Fantastic! I was able to figure out how to use the software very quickly to create a mediation presentation.  Congrats on creating a fabulous product.”

Kristin Speckhals

Paralegal, Speckhals Law Firm

“A presentation product that will give TD and Sanction a run for their money!

Robert Neale

CLE Course Instructor

“ExhibitView met all of my requirements and exceeded my expectations for an intuitive and powerful presentation tool.  I will not hesitate letting my fellow trial lawyers know about your exciting new product. ”

Michael Prieto

Attorney, Perotta Law Firm

“[ExhibitView] saved me valuable time and money when compared to other lacking programs currently on the market…  great new asset for anyone that routinely gives presentations, seminars, or similar events.”

M. Brandon Smith

Attorney, Childers & Schlueter, LLP

“Definitely worth it for anyone who regularly prepares presentations!”

Abena K. Abayomi-Rogers

Attorney, Martin & Jones

“I got [ExhibitView] at 5:15pm yesterday and I was able to finish my presentation by midnight last night.  It’s awesome… beautiful product.  I’ll definitely use it and I will recommend it.”

Alex Nugyen

“I used ExhibitView for my closing argument. It was so easy to use, I was able to figure it out in about an hour of my own time.  I would recommend it to anybody who is looking to create some great presentations for trials  and it definitely helps with your jury verdicts. Thank you!”

Chris Grubbs

Trial Advocacy Law Student, John Marshal Law School

“Having heard so many accolades about how easy ExhibitView was to learn and use, we quickly purchased a license and got started. Couldn’t believe how easy it was to use and learn! Needless to say, we made our deadline and our team loved the result! …Get us an iPad and let us start using the new ExhibitView iTrial too!”

VJere W. Wilson, CLSM